Podcast: Mathematical Objects: Enigma machine with Tom Briggs

Shortly before leaving Bletchley Park I recorded an interview with Katie Steckles and Peter Rowlett for the Mathematical Objects podcast, hosted by the Aperiodical. Each episode of the podcast features a mathematical discussion prompted by an object. I spoke about the famous encryption device, the Enigma machine.

You can listen to this episode of the podcast in the player below, or click here to listen at the Aperiodical.

2 thoughts on “Podcast: Mathematical Objects: Enigma machine with Tom Briggs

  1. Ive just listened to your excellent piece on the enigma machine. However i was initialky confused by the directive that one could listen ‘in the player below’ which in fact is about black sheep

    U hope your freelance career is going well, and look forward to when mathsjams can restart.

    Best wishes, benedict

    1. Thanks for pointing out the issue with the player. I’ve fixed it now! I think…

      The freelance stuff is in a bit of a lull at the moment, so do please feel free to point people in my direction! Looking forward to seeing you again at MathsJams if we can sort out a venue!

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