Training Course: Maths in Museums at the Campaign for Learning’s Maths Mindsets conference

Training Course: Maths in Museums at the Campaign for Learning’s Maths Mindsets conference

Drawing on his work in museums and schools and his academic work, Tom will focus on the ‘infectiousness’ of mindsets with regards to mathematics, exploring the idea that positivity towards mathematics is essential for success in mathematics, and that attitudes towards the subject are not just based on 3-4 hours per week in the maths classroom but also on maths-related experiences for the rest of the waking week. To succeed, children need to experience positivity and growth mindsets towards maths in all areas of their lives, and parents have an essential role in shaping these experiences.

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Secret Histories: Spotting the Hidden Maths in Museums: Big MathsJam 2023

Secret Histories: Spotting the Hidden Maths in Museums: Big MathsJam 2023

“The sum total of human mathematical knowledge didn’t just pop into being last Thursday, but galleries, libraries, museums and archives have always been a bit shy about shedding light on its role in almost every part of history. This is a quickfire collection of just some of the gems I’ve seen sparkling through the cracks, along with a call-to-action for any museum-going maths fans.

– Abstract for a presentation delivered at the MathsJam Gathering 2023.

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